Sunday, November 11, 2007

Stream Computing

Stream Computing deals with pulling in streams of data, process the data and stream it back out as a single flow. This helps to analyse multiple data streams from many sources live. It uses software algorithms to analyse data in real time as it streams in to increase speed and accuracy when dealing with data handling and analysis. IBM has a stream computing system called "System S". It runs on 800 microprocessors. It allows software applications to split up tasks and then reassemble the data into an answer.
Stream Computing harnesses the tremendous processing power of graphic processors for high performance, data-intensie computing in a wide range of scientific, business and consumer applications. providing organisations the ability to process massive amounts of information in significantly less time.
In certain applications requiring massive vector operations, Stream processing can yield several orders of magnitude higher performance than a conventional CPU. These applications may include Life Sciences, Scientific Research and Enterprise applications.

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